Since I can only seem to upload one picture per post, here is the other one, nearly assembled. Note carefully the powerful small springs, I retained each one with moles before forcing the ends into place so as not to have them go Ping!!! and escape. I also put a bit of grease about the place.
David, why can you only upload one photo at a time? at the 114 kbs of you pictures shown, you should have no problem uploading the maximum of 8 pictures?
After you've loaded the first one, click on the "more attachments" alongside the browse button then repeat to the maximum of 8. just noticed for some reason the same problem has occurred that I reported to Harvey the other day, as it says maximum attachment size 512 KBs, when it should be something like 4092 Kbs, even so you can still upload at least 4 photos at your current size. That's assuming there isn't another reason for you being unable to upload more than 1 photo at a time.