well firstly happy new year to all, i've done a bit of mild modification to my dedra, started with a k&n panel filter, larger bore exhaust system with only a rear silencer, increased fuel and boost pressure (not massively) and had a pleasant suprise with how well the car was starting to go, anyway before the clutch actually went in the car i had a new 1 fitted at allitalia in wrexham, they also fitted a lightened flywheel and uprated clutch, at the same time they fitted a tubular manifold for me, anyway had it back on the friday night all going well, taking care not to give it too much stick as i wanted the clutch to bed in and not glaze, anyway dissaster struck as the car developed a terrible missfire and sounded as if it had lost compression on 1 cylinder. When inspected it turned out that 1 exhaust valve had finally given up at 158,000 miles so the head was rebuilt with new valves,guides and seats and reassembled, the difference in the car now is unbelievable, its only running 1 bar of boost but is blindingly fast, the way the turbo comes in and the way it rev's up is unbelievable, totally transformed it, my thanks to howard at allitalia again for building me a propper Q car