Author Topic: Thema Windscreen Removal  (Read 7796 times)

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Thema Windscreen Removal
« on: 22 April, 2009, 02:02:29 PM »
Does anyone have experience of salvaging / removing the windscreen on a series 1 Thema. I recently took a high speed hit on the windscreen of my 8v turbo and have had it repaired by Autoglass hopefully to the satisfaction of the Mot tester next month! This prompted a discussion with the very helpful man from Autoglass about getting the screen out of the spare car that I have in storage. He thought it would be a very risky operation so I'm fishing for advice if anybody has tried to do this.  Many thanks, Murf.


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Re: Thema Windscreen Removal
« Reply #1 on: 22 April, 2009, 05:45:56 PM »
Screen is relatively easy to get out - if you want to do it without trashing the chrome trim, that's another story......


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Re: Thema Windscreen Removal
« Reply #2 on: 24 April, 2009, 04:58:31 PM »
Thank you Lindsay, I'll have a tentative go at getting it out at the weekend. Rgds., Murf.

Angle Grinder

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Re: Thema Windscreen Removal
« Reply #3 on: 08 May, 2009, 02:03:00 PM »
Watch out for Autoglass. I've had Thema windscreens removed / refitted several times by a guy who does homers, but when I took my car to Autoglass... surprise surprise they broke the glass and then tried to sell me a new Saab 9000 screen £200+.

Try and find a small independent and make it clear that the car is not covered by insurance.

Autoglass assumed I had insurance and were a bit uppity when I said I could get a screen 2nd hand from the Thema Consortium.
Current Cars: 1994 2.0 VIS Thema Station Wagon, 1967 Flavia 1.8 PF Coupe.

Previous cars:
1983 Prisma 1600
1991 Thema 16v i.e. SE
1988 Thema 8v Turbo
1992 Thema 16v i.e.
1983 Gamma Coupe (manual)
1993 Thema VIS
1994 Thema VIS LE
1990 Thema 2.8


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Re: Thema Windscreen Removal
« Reply #4 on: 12 May, 2009, 12:19:10 PM »
Thank you for the warning about Autoglass. I'm going to attempt getting the screen out of the spare car this weekend with the help of a daughter so there will be a lot of finger crossing. My thanks to everyone for the advice. Rgds. Murf.

St Volumex

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Re: Thema Windscreen Removal
« Reply #5 on: 09 January, 2011, 09:47:03 AM »
Screen is relatively easy to get out - if you want to do it without trashing the chrome trim, that's another story......

Hi Lindsay.  I've go to replace my windscreen now as it's cracked right across, but am wondering how to save the trim before the windcreen people trash it please? My Thema is an S2.

Guy McDougall
Rare Parts for Rare Machines
Appia Coupé S3 (Rosina), Appia Berlina S3 (La Giaconda), Fulvia 1.3S 5 spd coupé (Tigger, belongs to Carol), Beta Spyder S2 (Vivaldi), Montecarlo Spyder S2, HPE VX (Pugsly) etc


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Re: Thema Windscreen Removal
« Reply #6 on: 10 January, 2011, 01:39:32 PM »
Do not know if it helps, but long ago I removed the rear window from a MK1 Astra.

From memory it had a chrome inlay which was gently prised from the rubber seal with a thin flat bladed scrapper as used to remove wall paper and a small screw driver. Then for the window it was using the same scrapper to prise the screen up and push a piece of string through to help free the seal.

The refitting was in the reverse. All went we but from memory it was harder to refit than take out

Slowly but surely it can be done without breaking the screen.


Simon Davis


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Re: Thema Windscreen Removal
« Reply #7 on: 10 January, 2011, 09:58:57 PM »
Screen is relatively easy to get out - if you want to do it without trashing the chrome trim, that's another story......

Hi Lindsay.  I've go to replace my windscreen now as it's cracked right across, but am wondering how to save the trim before the windcreen people trash it please? My Thema is an S2.


Only way to do it is ease it mm at a time - and it could take a couple of hours if you want to keep it intact and not bend/crease it. Start at the top middle where the surrounds meet (or bottom) and slowly slowly.

Best of luck!


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Re: Thema Windscreen Removal
« Reply #8 on: 10 January, 2011, 10:31:56 PM »
I removed the screen from my series 2 Thema using a Stanley knife with a concave blade fitted protuding as far as the knife body will allow. I used a knife called a Dolphin which is a bit thinner than a stanley. Start in the middle of the screen from the inside and score the bonding with the knife. I forgot to mention you have to remove the trim first. Make a series of cuts into the bonding, this takes a bit of time, eventually the screen will come out. You should be able to save the chrome trim with this method. When the screen is out you should be able to prize the trim away along with twenty odd years of muck if there is not to much bonding agent stuck to the trim. :) Thanks David.
« Last Edit: 10 January, 2011, 10:35:25 PM by HF_Dave »
My Current Cars:

1991 Thema station wagon
1989 Thema 16v
2011 Lancia Delta 3

1977 Beta sedan 2000
1975 Fulvia S3 1.3
1973 Flavia HF 2000 Coupe
1972 Fulvia S2 1.3
1989 Thema 8.32
**Other Makes**
2018 Alfa Giulia
1999 Alfa 156
2009 Fiat Du