Author Topic: THEMA 25th Anniversary Event  (Read 2539 times)

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Angle Grinder

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THEMA 25th Anniversary Event
« on: 16 January, 2010, 05:52:22 PM »
It has been brought to my attention that 2010 marks 25 years since the Thema was launched.

It would be great to get a BIG event organised to remind the Media that the Thema was not rusty, not plagued by mechanical failures and actually did have better electrics than the Beta's of lore.

If anyone has ideas please post them here for discussion!

Hopefully we can get at least 25 Themas together somewhere in a big car park. Would it be possible to get a Thema to represent every year from 1985 to 1994?

I'd suggest that we aim for somewhere fairly central such as Manchester (I'd prefer Scotland but no chance of that happening   :( ), however, any good ideas for a venue will be gladly received.

Maybe we could hi-jack a Saab 9000 club event and gloat about our rust free doors!!!!

We might even invite Top Gear along as guests of honour (provided that they don't do their usual trashy stunts with pianos).

If you'd like to be a part of the celebrations, post here!
Current Cars: 1994 2.0 VIS Thema Station Wagon, 1967 Flavia 1.8 PF Coupe.

Previous cars:
1983 Prisma 1600
1991 Thema 16v i.e. SE
1988 Thema 8v Turbo
1992 Thema 16v i.e.
1983 Gamma Coupe (manual)
1993 Thema VIS
1994 Thema VIS LE
1990 Thema 2.8