Same here Steve. I put my car back onto standard springs a long time ago. When I bought my car in '98 it had Eibach uprated
and lowered springs, looked great and the handling was even more Kart like.....on smooth roads. It would have been unbearable
given the current state of the roads now. I had Walkers to do the work and when they drove it around from the workshop I wondered
what I had done as there was a huge gap above the tyres but the new springs soon settled and it looks just right now IMHO.
Obviously suspension design has moved on leaps and bounds in the last 20 years, we had a new shape fiesta as a hire car last August
in the French Alps and I was amazed at how good it was around the twisty stuff, great ride too .It didn't have the power and probably would have been a different outcome in the wet but in the dry I don't think the Delta would have been any quicker!
I would like to try an integrale fitted with coil-over suspension, have heard good things about them such as a vastly improved ride and
fully adjustable for the odd track day ,the trouble is they are not particularly cheap ranging from £700-£2000 and it's a lot of money if
they are not significantly better than standard.
I'll stick with standard for now, the handling (on public roads at least) makes you feel like Miki Biasion ,even if you can tell which side
is facing up when you run over a coin !!