Hi Mark,
Motor itself is no great problem but you'll probably have to remove the complete asm to get at the motor, be very careful not to strip anything, as if I remember it's easy to do so, particularly the bellcrank lever that is on the wiper motor spindle, while it's out check the linkage bushes for wear, as it's those that cause the drivers side wiper to bang up against the A pillar side.
Bushes migh still be availalable via Fiat as they were used on Tipos and other models, there are 2 sizes but a lot depends on the year of your Dedra, the early ones up to 1992 had replaceable bushes, you removerd the old bushes and pressed in the new, nowhere near as easy as it sounds, in fact I always used to buy another 2 or 3 of each because of breakages.
If you have the later linkage the bushes were pressed in, and while you can butcher the old ones to get them out, fitting new bushes is near impossible, after my suggestion one owner took the linkage and new bushes to his local machine shop who removed the old, then machined the linkage to take the old type bushes.
if you can't get old type bushes I may have a set somewhere.
The other alternative is to see if you can get hold of a secondhand linkage, new haven't been available for about 4-5 years, when they cost about £130 at the time. but do check for wear.
The wiper mechanism can be accessed after removing the wiper arms, then remove the plastic panel in front of the windscreen, you can then get at everything, but best to remove as a complete asm, it's also a good idea to check the drain tubes in the plenum chamber and make sure they are clear of debris.
If you need the diagrams let me know.