I'm looking for someone who can rebuild these as mine are soft. There is a company who think that they may be able to, (BG Motorsports), but need a sample to confirm. As they are based somewhere south, near London, it's too far for me.
They did say that someone else had contacted them this summer with a view to dropping off a sample. Anyone here?
Is that on the normal and Sports settings, as on my Dedra as far as I was concerned the two settings should have read, hard and harder still!
Have you tried to see if any are still available from Fiat/Lancia, perhaps Kevin will know? I would have thought if you can get them rebuilt it will be a bit of an expensive exercise anyway.
Have a look on ebay.de. ebay.it and ebay.nl
Although these are not what you are looking for
http://cgi.ebay.de/Kayaba-GasAJust-Stossdampfer-Lancia-Dedra-Hinten-/310266405343?pt=Autoteile_Zubeh%C3%B6r&hash=item483d51a1df It would be worthwhile keeping you eye on the German, Italian and Dutch ebay sites as from time to time Dedra original equipment turns up on there and you might get lucky, alternatively there are lots of gas shockers and struts available particularily from the German site, in cluding uprated Bilsteins.
One thing I would advise if you've never bought from continental ebay sites is only use sites where you can pay using Paypal, at least that way you're protected, if you haven't got a Paypal account it's easy to set one up.