While you are on the subject,I tend to worry about the time. How long since they have been replaced ect, I fitted new belts 4000 miles ago but that was in july 2007, I do worry about the belts perishing. The bearings were changed 14000 miles ago or about seven years ago. Has any one any advice regarding this, Thanks.
You really need to change the whole lot as I believe that the length of time is important as well, and myself would never leave a belt longer than 3 years/30K, but you're really pushing your luck if if it's 7 years since you changed the bearings, irrespective of mileage, don't wish to sound like a drama queen but I'd be changing them without delay, and preferably without driving it in the meantime if at all possible, having had a belt fail (Faulty Manufacture) on my 1993 Series 3 Auto, I know from experience that the damage is extensive, when mine went about 1995 it cost well over £1000 as I had 8 bent valves, and the exhaust valves are pretty expensive let alone anything else, just glad that Fiat/Lancia picked up most of the bill.
I also had a bearing seize and broke a timing belt on a 2.0 Dedra I'd just bought and I was on the way to the garage to get the lot changed, I was lucky in that as the belt broke it got caught up in the TDC sensor which snapped off and luckily stopped the engine dead, so I got away without any further damage, but it still had to be stripped to check for damage, that is the only time I've known of when a Dedra Timing belt broke and didn't wreck the engine,
Unfortunately with Thema's and Dedra's being worth so little these days, unless you've got a really nice one you want to keep, it's an uneconomical repair.