To the best of my knowledge, the part that I have is from a series 2 car. I've changed steering columns on Themas before and never noticed what the difference is between the ignition barrels. Can you explain what the differences are Brian, I can't see anything in the diagrams that looks radically different?
I've just had another look at eper and the manuals, but I've never owned a series 2 only 3's, added to the fact I've never had to take an ignition barrel apart.
For what it's worth Im not sure if there there is a difference in the barrels only in the locksets and keys. although the illustrations shown do look different, that may just be the perspective shown, I've looked in the manuals but they don't help.
When I worked at Vauxhall you could always tell what an assembly consisted of, Ie= 1 was the Main Assembly, 2 went into 1, as did 3, and 4, and so on. if the Lancia Parts list works the same way which I suspect it does, the only differences in the two series is actually the locksets and keys.
Looking at series 3 parts list, No.6 is the blank key complete that incorporates 5893333 Battery & 5893332 Bulb, which is the remote for the central locking and alarm while, the series 1 & 2 parts list doesn't have these items .
It would be helpful to know which part of the assembly is the problem? and what is actually happening, or not as the case may be? as Murf hasn't given enough detail.