Seen today at the Kop Hill Climb.
2 x Lambda open body, Mike Guest and Colin Wise.
An Aurelia B10, forgot who the owner is.
My Fulvia 2c Berlina (Fay). I also saw an integrale in Princes a Risborough, but not sure if he was at the event.
I'm surprised how few Lancia Members attend the weekend, it's with in easy reach of North London and good access from the M25.
If you apply and are accepted then on the day, whichever is allocated, you get two untimed runs on the hill, a public highway, which is closed for the weekend in aid of charities, but still subject road traffic regulations. At the briefing this is pointed out, and requested that if you have an on board camera, you don't show your speedo!
The cost is a very reasonable £45 that includes 1 passenger, Rally plaque and a run up the hill in the morning and the afternoon.
This year we were asked if we had spare seat or two, to donate them, the donor hands over a donation, puts their hand in a box and pull out a model car, this has a number on the bottom that relates to a specific car, and that's the one you get a run in, no swaps are allowed, I took a lady, her daughter age 11 and her son age 8, along with my two Dachshund, and a great time was had by all with the children in the back waving like crazy to all the onlookers, up the hill and on the way back through Princes Risborough to the paddock.
If you aren't picked, or you don't wish to run the hill, then you book and pay in advance, and park in the Display area.
The Brookland Napier Railton ran the hill, along with Austin seven, many old motorbikes, BMW electric Spyder, a chain gang Fraser Nash, a Steyr Puch 500, and many many more.
So please join us next year.
If we can get enough Lancia's we can have our own spot.
Finally at 6.05pm, a Black Chrysler Delta that had just come off the South Bound M1 at Junction 12,Toddington, that the BBC have after 50 years decided to call Flitwick, which is 2 miles, with another village in Between in the opposite direction to Toddington, that is only half a mile away.