I've sent the following piece to Jack in the hope that he can squeeze it into the October Viva Lancia but I'm going to have to rely on my good friends on here if we are to stand any chance at all of seeing a Lancia make the top five. So, please do all you can and be assured of Modestine's eternal gratitude.
Oh, and I'll be very grateful too
Lancia Dilambda ERF 294 better known as Modestine has been selected as one of the 20 classic cars in the final of the Classic Car of the Year 2011 competition. The five cars with the most votes will be displayed at the NEC Classic and Sports Car show in November and it would be great to have a Lancia there but it will need you to vote and vote NOW at as the poll closes 15th October.
Remember, that although you can vote for up to five cars vote only once to make your choice really count! Also, use email, Facebook, twitter etc to encourage as many of your friends and acquaintances as possible to support us. All I have to do now is to fettle the old girl to make sure that she is a credit to the marque.
Very aware that I've been off the Forum since the AGM having travelled to France in Modestine immediately after, returned for 10 days to help run a kids camp and then back to France arriving home yesterday. Lots to catch you up on so will start posting soon.