Pleased to hear your back on course, not too many Dedras out there these days, so it would be sad to lose another one.
I'm not sure which metal strip you refer to, do you mean the chrome trim surround, if so that's replacable, if it's painted metal I think you'll find that's part of the windsceen aperture that's a welded panel. if you take off the two plastic panels that the wiper arm bosses pass through you'll be able to see better.
Plug bubbling,- first thing is to check the tightness of the plug, if that doesn't stop it try a new copper sealing washer, shouldn't think it will be more than that unless you're very unlucky.
Belts, I would suggest you don't try to do it yourself unless you know what you are doing, and I wouldn't just let any old garage do it either, you need someone who knows Lancia/Fiat twin cams, as you either need the special tool or someone who knows how to make one to hold the cambelt wheels.
Don't forget to change ALL the belts at the same time as it saves you having to pull the whole lot apart again later, but most important change the idler bearings (3) as well, particularly if it's been standing a while as they are prone to failure and if one siezes it will snap a belt or two, valves then touch the pistons and you've more than likely got a scrap engine.
Don't mean to put the mockers on things but it can be that serious.
I can let you have copies by email of how to, but as I said you're better off getting someone who knows what they are doing, the cambelt and the counter balancer belt need tensioning correctly, an overtight belt will whine and possibly fail fairly quickly.