Someone put a Ford V8 in one - but that was in the middle.
Robert Coucher (editor of Octane) is often mentioning the one he had in his youth with a Ford V6.
The Carrera Panemerica cars (mid 80s? Can't remember which rock star...) had Flamina brakes, I believe also Flamina transaxles,
perhaps also Flamina engines.
HOWEVER - if its a naughty plan you have in mind - by the time you get it all done the Flamina engine will be just as valuable
Something else to be aware of is that there are crates of part worn Aurelia engine bits in circulation as everytime anyone has a rebuild they replace everything (its the "may as well given the labour" logic) but can't bring themselves to sling the pistons, liners, valves, bearings. SO - if the labour is your own and the budget is tight - in
theory - you should be able to make an engine fresher than it was (or recover from a dropped valve or broken ring) for the "couple of beers and a smile" of lore.
Almost back to the thread title - my other fantasy (there's a bit of me that is always trying to convince the rest that an Aurelia Berlina is a sensible everyday car) is that Aurelia Berlina engines are out there racked up by the thousand as they made so many more of the Berlinas than the GTs but the GTs survive them 20:1 - and of the surviving Berlinas a fair percentage have GT engines anyway. Likewise gearboxes with the short final drive nobody wants. If I was willing to "make do and mend" regarding all the rare stuff like distributer caps...? But then there's the rolled edge rims, pot joints and rear wheel bearings, those waterfall headlights, getting a good seal on the front and rear screens, quite a list of scary bits.