Author Topic: Fulvia being scrapped on 25th September  (Read 2485 times)

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Fulvia being scrapped on 25th September
« on: 23 September, 2012, 10:15:18 AM »
I have received the following email - if anyone is interested or want photographs please let me know and I will contact the sender.

"Hi there, not sure if you can help. A friend of mine has a 1972 Lancia Fulvia 1.3S in his garage, its been there for some 20 years or more. He now has to get rid of it, a local scrap yard are booked to take it on Tuesday. I wondered if any members would be interested in it, its basiclly all there but in a bits. Could you let me know, I can get some photos if you need me to."

Diana Williamson