Author Topic: New Hampshire Meet Proposal - The Chestnut Horse, Easton  (Read 5688 times)

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New Hampshire Meet Proposal - The Chestnut Horse, Easton
« on: 17 January, 2013, 10:45:32 PM »
Firstly, an introduction.  I am Mark Lima, an LMC member for fifteen years now, owner of an S1 Fulvia and recently accepted as committee member.
A couple of years ago I moved to Basingstoke having previously resided in Surrey for the most part.

Having had rather a long spell without attending a local club meet (due to working a lot overseas and not having a running Fulvia of late) I thought it was about time I showed my face in my new locality (...well relatively new!).  However I was dismayed to find that there was no longer an organised Hampshire meet, or at least there didn't appear to be one.

So I sent a few emails around to the powers that be at the club to offer my services as Hampshire Co-ordinator in the event that nobody else was forthcoming.  I received the thumbs up in principle and promptly contacted as many Hampshire members by email as I could.  I have received a very strong and supportive response from many members already and I would like to ask for further feedback on the proposal which I put forward:

General Location: Central Hampshire.  According to google maps, Hampshire's centre point is just north west of Winchester... a promising start.   In doing this we may also attract some members who live just beyond the borders (although our friends on the Isle of Wight might still find it hard to attend on a regular basis).  Happily there is a pub known to me in that very spot which I shall elaborate upon...

Specific Location: The Chestnut Horse in Easton, near Winchester.

Brief description: Set in a quiet village location, option to arrive via lovely B-roads or (if you're running late) via the A3, A31 or M3 for many, parking for about 25 cars, exterior decked garden area overlooking car park (for summer/ sunny meets only!), plenty of seating, ye-olde-worlde with warm fires, no karaoke or quiz nights, draft ales (Badgers and King & Barnes) and best of all very good food at reasonable prices (weekday menu).

From my own experience I have always been better able to attend midweek liaisons like these more regularly as I, like many others who work a standard week or have children, weekends are often committed to significant and immovable events whilst midweek evenings tend to be more predictable and consistent.  Furthermore nice country pubs tend to be rather busy on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  For that reason I would propose a weekday meet.

So, my question is this:  would there be any objection to me organising this as the new Hampshire Meet and should I be aware of a significant monthly event which would influence the eventual choice of day (eg: that the Eastleigh Italiano Cruise occurs every 4th Monday, so best not to coincide...or something like that).  I would like to recommence the monthly meeting by April.

Feedback so far suggests that a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday would suit most diaries, but with so many other LMC and other-marque events happening on a Thursday already perhaps we ought to steer towards Tuesday or Wednesday... the latter breaking up the working week nicely perhaps?

So, in summary, what say you fellow Hampshire members?

1968 Lancia Fulvia Coupe (Rallye)
2001 Lancia Y (Cosmopolitan)


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Re: New Hampshire Meet Proposal - The Chestnut Horse, Easton
« Reply #1 on: 17 January, 2013, 11:35:59 PM »
It sounds perfect Mark, when we moved the Bristol Meet to The Bull they checked their diary and told us which Meets happened during the month. It meant that we didn't clash with the Bristol Stag Owners and also gave the positive feeling that the pub had quite a few car clubs visiting during the month. They also gave us the WiFi password (and where to be for a good signal) which is quite nice as I usually have my laptop and we can browse email or the latest event pictures from Tony!
Steve Pilgrim


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Re: New Hampshire Meet Proposal - The Chestnut Horse, Easton
« Reply #2 on: 18 January, 2013, 03:37:46 PM »
Okay... influx of messages and cross check against other LMC meetings and non-LMC car activities locally is steering the most suitable day to be:

The first or second Tuesday of the month.

Many people expressed a preference for a Thursday (which was also my preferred option) but it did exclude a number of people, whereas Tuesday didn't seem to (apologies if I have overlooked anyone's respose in making that statement)

However, it is far better to go with a day which attracts the most people rather than a day which potentially all could attend but never do. it is still all to play for folks.  Speak up  ;D

1968 Lancia Fulvia Coupe (Rallye)
2001 Lancia Y (Cosmopolitan)


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Re: New Hampshire Meet Proposal - The Chestnut Horse, Easton
« Reply #3 on: 20 January, 2013, 04:23:57 PM »
I very much like the idea of local LMC meetings and would find the Chestnut Horse very convenient since I live in Winchester. I have to hope, however, that it will NOT be on Tuesday, which between September and May is the rehearsal night for my choir and cannot be missed (especially since I am a committee member).
Please choose Thursday.
George Helcké


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Re: New Hampshire Meet Proposal - The Chestnut Horse, Easton
« Reply #4 on: 20 January, 2013, 05:30:27 PM »
...I have to hope, however, that it will NOT be on Tuesday, which between September and May is the rehearsal night for my choir and cannot be missed (especially since I am a committee member)...
George Helcké

George.  As I am sure you can appreciate I am trying to select a day which primarily does not clash with other car events (both LMC and the wider automotive spectrum).  It is an impossible task to find a day of the week to suit all 40-odd Hampshire members' social diaries.  You are the first person to raise Tuesday as a problem for them.

My preference would be to select a day of the month when every one of us is able to attend, but social diaries change from month to month and year to year so it would be short sighted of me to use this as the sole basis.  However, I would like to see you and your Appia Zagato at The Chestnut Horse and I would rather 'the day' suited those that would regularly attend as oppose to the 'occasional'.  To that end I shall put a mark against 'tuesdays' and we shall see what the final scores end up as, so to speak.  Car event clashes will have a higher weighting though, which I am sure you would agree is sensible.

I do feel that I have set myself with a thankless task as I will surely upset some people.  I'm on a hiding to nothing here.  Oh well... let's see what transpires.

1968 Lancia Fulvia Coupe (Rallye)
2001 Lancia Y (Cosmopolitan)


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Re: New Hampshire Meet Proposal - The Chestnut Horse, Easton
« Reply #5 on: 24 January, 2013, 09:42:37 PM »
It would appear that 95% of people responded to my enquiries via email, so reading this string one would assume that the day of choice ought not to be Tuesday.

Oddly though, Tuesday was the most favoured day of the week by others with Thursdays clashing with other established car meets (both LMC and others).  So apologies to George who, it seems, will only be able to show his face and his car over the summer unless he sneaks off early from his other commitment to savour a beer with us before last orders are called.

I therefore propose THE FIRST TUESDAY OF THE MONTH to meet at THE CHESTNUT HORSE in EASTON, probably starting March (5th)

I shall confirm this in Viva Lancia after I have enquired about getting an LMC discount on food (although the weekday menu is actually pretty reasonably priced to be honest).  I cannot promise anything, but I shall try... every little helps.

1968 Lancia Fulvia Coupe (Rallye)
2001 Lancia Y (Cosmopolitan)


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Re: New Hampshire Meet Proposal - The Chestnut Horse, Easton
« Reply #6 on: 09 February, 2013, 01:01:30 PM »

Please post in the new thread for Hampshire Meet

1968 Lancia Fulvia Coupe (Rallye)
2001 Lancia Y (Cosmopolitan)