Details for our New Year's Day meeting have been finalised by Alison and are as follows:
LUNCH TIME MEETING 1ST JANUARY 2015 AT THE ANCHOR INN HARTFIELD TN7 4AG The pub will be open from 11 and we will sit down to lunch at 12. The Anchor has prepared a very nice two course menu for us, see attachment, and meals will need to be pre-booked.
At 13.30 we will take a short drive across the Ashdown Forest to Robin and Margaret's house for tea/coffee and nibbles.
Hopefully the weather will be kind so that we can produce our usual array of interesting cars to view/chat about between 11 and 12. And please do come along and join us even if you don't wish to book the meal.
Please can you let Alison know if you will be attending, if you haven't already done so, with your menu choice by Monday 29th December. If you can't make it, we will continue our monthly meetings the last Tuesday of the month starting on January 27th from 6.30pm.
It would be lovely to see some new faces and indeed any LMC members on the 1st especially those that can't normally attend Tuesday evenings due to work commitments etc.