Excellent pictures Tony ! In case anyone doesn't know who people are , the group shot behind the Dilambda is myself, Robin, Simon Davis and Chris Hopkins .... all with our arms folded looking defensive ! ( as I was told

As a FYI , as several people asked, the slideshow was running on a Raspberry Pi - it was the very simple Model A version plus case and USB power supply - so costs around £30. You can buy these easily enough at Maplin - see
http://www.maplin.co.uk/c/gadgets-toys-and-hobbies/projects-kits-and-modules/raspberry-pi - ( model B+ is the one to buy ).
The Slideshow downloads pictures from the club database (it knows how to do this with a program 'wot I wrote meeself') and then it'll happily play the slides it's downloaded whenever it's switched on without any special knowledge of how to run a computer.
If anyone has a Pi and wants to play, drop me an email and I can talk send you the SD card image , ( the basic command for running it was taken from a Raspberry Pi project magazine I saw in Sainsbury's .... )