Author Topic: Nardi Manifolds - Lancia Aurelia B20 Dual Carburettors (3 parts item)...ebay USA  (Read 3520 times)

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Whilst I am very keen on originality, replica Nardi manifolds are readily available these days and some of them are excellent quality being almost indistinguishable from the real thing. I am not sure what the current prices are and to be added to this ebay item is the throttle linkage, gaskets and the cast 'Nardi' airbox.
I have originals on my 3rd Series B20 race car and replica manifolds on a couple of others.
To see the real benefit of twin Webers you really need to also change the camshaft and make several adjustments to the carbs. 

Of course having decided to fit twin Webers you need to acquire a 2nd Weber carburettor - easier said than done and expensive 
This weekend at Padova the going rate for a 40DCL is €3,400 and a DCZ is €3,800......and they are being bought at those prices.
Chris Gawne
Mobile: 07778 216552