It is time to come clean ..... last May I bought a Flavia 1800 Vignale. It is a mint condition model, not something that I am used to!!!! I have really enjoyed it, very rarely having the hood up and choosing my routes carefully. It was snugged away in the garage for the winter, but came out on a few occasions when the weather permitted. One problem I have is that I will not take the car out when the roads still have salt residue on them and sunny winter days, when one is tempted to go for a drive, often follow cold, clear nights which bring out the gritters!!! Many beautiful potentially wonderful driving days become no go simply because of salt!!!
So about 4 weeks ago it was time to get her ready for more frequent use and, rather importantly, get an MOT. A quick check of the lights horn etc showed but one problem ... no main beam headlamps!! A check of the wiring diagram and a check of the car revealed fuses ok, but the relay was not working. The one in question has what can best be described as a nodding donkey mechanism that engages a 4 toothed sprocket which turns the main beam on or off with each quarter turn ... it looks as though it was designed and made by a clockmaker!!!! Colin at the Consortium was most helpful and it became apparent the safest route would be to acquire a new relay unit. Surprisingly NOS units are still available and a visit or three to the internet revealed that Amadei Ricambi had a unit. They are not listed by Cavalitto, although I did not phone to check! The price was steeper than anticipated (it usually is) and Alessandro explained that it was the last one he had! So, now lighter by a few euros, the unit arrived (sooner than expected) and was duly fitted ... still the dip did not work, but that turned out to be the mechanical element needing a little (very little) oil and freeing up and soon all was well. So, an easy ride through the MOT yesterday and now all is ready for the summer ..... please let there be a summer!!!
The photographs were taken last summer ....