Author Topic: Thema 8.32 camshaft belt drive  (Read 2480 times)

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Thema 8.32 camshaft belt drive
« on: 05 February, 2017, 04:34:10 PM »
This morning I worked on a 8.32 distribution belt change.  As no history on the car was known, I decided to remove the oilpump/distribution drive cover and change also the little (and horribly expensive) bearings on the two gear driven shafts that drive the belts.  Although I felt no 'play', I just wanted to be shure...

It was quite a task to get the shafts separated from the cover, as one of the bearings was seized on the shaft, and I had to destroy the bearing to get it out.  

The other one came appart more easily, and out of curiosity I flipped out the seal to check the condition of the graese inside the bearing.  See foto below, no or very little grease to be found!!!!!

So I just wanted to share this to 8.32 owners here on the forum: if these bearings have not been changed, and although it is quite a job, DO IT!!!

Don't come back telling me I did'nt warn you....
« Last Edit: 05 February, 2017, 04:35:45 PM by Dikappa »