A couple of weeks ago in hot weather and traffic congestion I noticed my 1600 Sport's temperature gauge starting to rise, eventually hitting the underside of the red. At this point the traffic started to flow freely and the gauge dropped staying in a position between the halfway and three quarter point. When I got it home there was no evidence of any water coming from the overflow or anywhere else and once cooled down I checked the level in the radiator and it was fine.
The following week I took it out again and despite no real traffic problems the gauge rose then wallowed about between half & three quarters, not venturing near the red nor lower than halfway.
The car runs well- the same as always but prior to the first issue the temperature gauge always hung around the halfway point in all conditions.
I'm not that mechanically minded, nor gifted and I don't really want to take to a garage if there is perhaps a simple solution.
Any ideas would be most welcome, thanks.