Lancia Motor Club

General => Events 2024 => Topic started by: Paul Greenway on 01 August, 2023, 02:58:53 PM

Title: Great Northern Weekend Spring '24
Post by: Paul Greenway on 01 August, 2023, 02:58:53 PM
To all North Eastern Members,

As you will all be aware, the GNW alternates between the NE, NW & Scottish regions of the UK. Next year is the turn for the North East and for the last few times this has been organised by the late and much missed Bruce Beattie.

What we require is someone ideally based in the region (West Yorkshire, North Yorkshire, Durham, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear, Cleveland & Teeside etc) to take over the mantle who has the time to organise the event.

If anyone can help here and requires any advice I'm sure there's plenty of advice from the other members from the other regions. It would be a crying shame if this dropped of the calendar for a year. I'm happy to assist where possible but haven't the time to organise both the NE next year & NW in 2025.

Any takers?

Title: Great Northern Weekend Spring '24
Post by: A1.6HPE on 01 August, 2023, 11:13:12 PM
As Paul says, anyone who steps up will be supported by existing hosts. Feel free to ask questions by private message.
The fundamental step in organising a GNW is to find a suitable hotel with the emphasis on a good rapport with the staff. Once that has been established, the rest is easy and fun.  

For info North East GNWs have been held at:-
Guisborough - Gisborough Hall Hotel
Durham - Radisson BLU Hotel
Harrogate - Cairn Hotel
Hexham - Slayley Hall

Leo Capaldi

Title: Re: Great Northern Weekend Spring '24
Post by: neil-yaj396 on 02 August, 2023, 03:17:41 PM
Bruce didn't organize the 2019 event at Slayley Hall. I spoke to the couple who did (apologies as their name escapes me for now) in Kelso and offered to step in if they felt they couldn't set up 2024. If they have definitely stood down I will take this on, but don't want to step on toes.

They are GNW regulars so perhaps someone can pass on their details and I will get in touch. I don't think they are Forum regulars.


Title: Re: Great Northern Weekend Spring '24
Post by: A1.6HPE on 03 August, 2023, 10:41:28 AM
Hello Neil,
Have sent an email message about this.

Best regards, Leo

Title: Re: Great Northern Weekend Spring '24
Post by: neil-yaj396 on 03 August, 2023, 02:16:49 PM
I have emailed Mike and Viv (Parnell) just to clear up whether or not they intended to organise next years event. I'm happy to step in if not. I'll post on here when I get a reply.